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Dase • 1 year ago

Reminder - This is the final episode for this season and dont tell me it is ongoing just because gogoanime says it is, go and check Tencent streaming if you dont believe me

Pha Yang • 1 year ago

Just when it was getting interesting 🙄 but thanks for letting us know dase jie

Dase • 1 year ago

You are welcome, no word on when the next season will be, it is quite a new studio, I can only see an upcoming donghua called Daojian Shen Huan, most likely scheduled for 2023 and it looks like this is the last of their three works for this year (out of Jiandao Di Yi Xian, Xun Jian and Wan Yu Zhi Wang)

They might pop a surprise later this year, but I havent seen any announcement from them

Pha Yang • 1 year ago

Always well informed... You da best!

Aerlis Ambrosius • 1 year ago

You are right about that. It took 20 episodes before it started to finally get interesting and now its over?

Pha Yang • 1 year ago

Right? First episode and was hooked but after that... It's talk, walk, and taunts. Now he killed that infant soul cultivator and alarmed his missile boobs student 😆. And now... Season ends... Sigh...

OfficialDrixMalone • 1 year ago

Lmao yo I just commented how the "queen" had some big ol' torpedo tits ready to fire/blast off and hit you in the eyes!! Her boobs look fun but deadly, but most would enjoy them I'm sure.

Pha Yang • 1 year ago

Right? She be having back problems if she ain't a cultivator.

OfficialDrixMalone • 1 year ago

Oh man, back problems is the least of her worries aha.

AnimeSenpai2003 • 1 year ago

Respect, ji hmmm. Xd

Exo • 1 year ago

No wonder I don't see any new uploads anymore. Thanks for the info.

s00mebody • 1 year ago

Huh, where is the embarrassing remark from the novel?

He did accept Qingwan, except that happened in very different conversation.

Su Yi: "I have no use for you, so it is easiest if I just get rid of you. Except... you don't look bad and you have pure soul body which might be useful to me after I enter the level where soul plays the role. So, you can choose... I can kill you right now or you can later enter double cultivation with me when I need it."
Qingwan: "???" (goes bright red in the face)

Seriously, changing best natures of MC will dampen the plot. He is lazy/horny/sadistic/opportunistic bastard who drinks on every occasion and not some goody two shoes like here

Also, wtf was the point of Qingtang sensing Nine Prison Sword at the end? As story goes that makes it literally impossible, not to mention it has zero meaning with the plot when you consider who she is

Dase • 1 year ago

Sexual and non consensual sex (forcing dual cultivation is actually rape) references, someone on the Chinese censorship board probably told them remove it or else, which sort of goes back to what you were saying about having 20 episodes this season was weird. Since censorship might have been a factor in reducing the number of episodes

s00mebody • 1 year ago

Hmmm, it is not forced. It is a choice, after that he also presents good sides of her accepting the offer, so it could at most constitute as prostitution, lol. She does get paid... in value she is better off than fucking empresses

Also, I doubt... next content in this sense is like 40-50 episodes later. This event is short and has very little impact it could carry on censorship

Aerlis Ambrosius • 1 year ago

If a violent man puts a knife to a woman's throat and says, "You choose. Sex or Death" sorry to say but that is actually rape!

However, I do like your description of the mc. He seems much cooler and more bloodthirsty than what is shown here, so I think I will check out the novel.
I think most of us like watching or reading fantasy. If you can appreciate fantasy, then you can have some suspension of disbelief to understand the conventions of "normal" in various settings.

For example, since the dawn of humanity slavery was practiced all over the world and by every culture against their enemies in battle, or more precisely - against the defenseless women and children non-combatants who were left over after the soldiers were all killed or defeated and enslaved. Using a slave ...gross as it sounds...but using a slave sexually was pretty normal in many cultures. Heck American Indians/Native Americans used there own tribes squaws that way, let alone slaves captured from other tribes or from white settlers.

As for white slaves, the English persecuted the Irish for centuries. Many were sold as "indentured servants" (aka slaves) and sent to the Carribean to work on sugar (and other) plantations. The mix of Irish and black people was called, "mulatto" - that is when black male slaves were bred with Irish female slaves...and no it was not voluntary.

OfficialDrixMalone • 1 year ago

I guess that's why some white women still crave melanated (black) penis to this day lol.

But I guess a sex slave would be better than a labor slave, I'd preferably be used as a breeder, having sex for a living (occupation) isn't too bad, though would that make me an official p0rn star (one of the first) 😲🤣?! A lot of guys would prefer that over the other sh!tty choices, especially the virgins of today who could finally feel what some call "heaven on earth" aha. Though I doubt it'd be as heavenly or fun as people think, as not being attracted to someone could make things difficult, not being able to pick and choose who you have s3x with, she could be disgusting, have bad hygiene, be obese, not attractive and whatever else (vice versa).

And for the women, I bet it'd be hell on earth, being r@ped over and over without any say so smh. Having random men penetrate you and being rough and brutal with her insides, which could cause serious internal damage/injuries leading to lifelong problems that could kill her. Being nothing more than a breeding machine to produce more slaves, watching as they be mistreated and abused but can't do anything about it. I couldn't imagine such terrible, tragic situations as that, probably one of the most tragic things to experience and deal with as a mother, as we know mothers tend to be overprotective and nurturing of their children, even ferocious if someone puts them in danger or harms them, being worked to death. Then discarded after she gets used up, crippled and old, no longer serving their purpose so she's either killed or made to do something else. Suffering from miscarriages, health issues, mental and physical problems, etc...especially mentally and emotional trauma, depression and many other sad ways being mentally abused with no proper care nor counseling or therapy like we have now. Suffering silently until the end, just was a sex toy or series of holes to be used and a baby maker/making factory.

At least the guy benefited, like getting to orgasm/ejaculate and feel pleasure more than the woman, whereas women probably hardly felt pleasure nor knew what an orgasm was, like many women today. Crazy there's over 60%-75% of women who hasn't had an orgasm before smh. And there's girls who want to be a sex object, seen as a series of holes but get angry when men only treat them as such smh.

Dase • 1 year ago

I mean either you die or you become a sexual dual cultivation partner is kindaaaaa force to me :P

The censorship guy probably doesnt know the context of the whole conversation or had a bad day, no one really knows what can trigger them, it is like they love to play games and make people fear or overthink, would be interesting to see when Han Li and Peiling have a slightly similar conversation lol

s00mebody • 1 year ago

You're only right if you forget whole story and context here.

MC only has 3 states to define people... friend/foe/passerby.

Foe is exterminated with exceedingly rare occasion of pardon (reason why they attacked doesn't matter, he just considers sparing them when they are useful or funny).

Friends, there is no line he draws what he does for them, but he also doesn't trust anyone.

Passersby is separated into useful, useless or strong. There are a lot of occasions when someone tries to approach him in friendly way, but gets beaten just because MC thinks he is strong enough to be interesting. At that point no matter how many gifts that person offered and how friendly he was... he is beaten to a pulp

You should think that Qingwan started as enemy and by default she would be exterminated like every other foe and she only got the extra survival offer because she could be of use to him. She is one of 3 enemies that get spared in arc 1. And 1 of those just gets delayed capital punishment because he can still be used.

Aerlis Ambrosius • 1 year ago

Ok, after reading the event and 700+ chapters...on further consideration it is not and was never rape. He didn't exactly threaten to kill her. He said that I am not strong enough (today) to help you to re-incarnate and send your soul to the Netherworld. (Think of it as he is not like a Soul Reaper in Bleach...or at least not yet.) So, if he kills her now, she will be be destroyed...permanently. She is currently less than a yin-ghost. Just sort of a remnant soul. He promised her that he would help her soul to become stronger and when he is stronger (much stronger) he can help her soul to "ascend" however if she wants to accompany him she can stay around and be his servant and dual cultivate with him.
At the time he said this originally it came off as rather shocking and rude, but I can tell you that in 700 chapters she has rarely come up but whenever she does he treats her EXTREMELY well and has told her on multiple occasions that she is free to dual cultivate with him in the future or not. Entirely her choice. For a while the plan was to put off any dual cultivation with her until mc reaches "Spirit Transformation" realm, which he does on Feb 2nd, the night of his 18th birthday, precisely one year after his "emergence" from a waste with scrapped cultivation. To celebrate everyone has a big party and gets drunk. MC is ready to go to bed with his lover Cha Jin, so far the ONLY woman he has slept with. Cha Jin (who loves him desperately) reminds him that he was supposed to dual cultivate with the ghost girl Qingwan.
Here is the relevant excerpt from ch. 668:

Su Yi pointed at the bed. "Sit."

Qingwan hesitated for a moment before leaning over. However, even when she sat down, she only sat on half of her butt, as if she was afraid of being rude.

That careful and obedient look made Su Yi's heart stir.

“Now that I think about it, you’ve stayed by my side for much longer than the others, whereas your disposition is pure like jade, and it’s even to the extent that you’re slightly naïve. So I naturally have to pay more attention to you. Under such circumstances, I naturally have to consider your path towards the Dao first.”

“Even if you don’t want to dual cultivate with me in the future, I won’t force you. When a man and a woman love each other, they seek mutual affection, not to vent their inner desires.”


With that, Su Yi fell asleep.

Tonight was his birthday.

OfficialDrixMalone • 1 year ago

Wait, he'll be f*cking a ghost chick?! How?? I've heard of necrophilia but never a pervy bastard trying to f*ck ghost pu$$y lmao.

Aerlis Ambrosius • 1 year ago

Thanks for that excerpt from the novel, it sounds far more interesting than this boring goody two shoes shiite. I would guess that when was "cleansing" the evil in the well and the evil monk at that time when he was making references to "doing Heaven's work" or something like that, in the novel he was probably just being sarcastic while he killed the guy.

OfficialDrixMalone • 1 year ago

Damn, the queen got some big ol' tits, them mofos look like torpedos ready to fire/blast off and poke you in the eyes lmao.

Anyway, sucks this ended, hopefully we get more in the near future.

Tehnation • 1 year ago

This was absolute trash! Don't even waste your time watching this garbage! Just move on don't even bother wasting your time with this one! Actually that is insulting to trash..... this is worse than trash!

TaliZorah2311 • 1 year ago

from what ppl say in the comments so far the story behind this is actually quite decent but this doesnt change that the donghua is absolute trash..dont even get me started on the state of the subs either..

MR STOLEN Donghua • 1 year ago

Hahaha i had to come back and watch the final after i dropped it at around episode 7 not surprised it was trash to the very end. 😅